Wil are sindrom Down, dar poate zbura

This wonderful father created some special photos for his disabled son — and they’re truly inspirational

Eighteen-month-old William (Wil) Lawrence, the youngest in his family, was born a little bit different from the rest of his brothers and sisters, but that won’t hold him back. Wil has Down syndrome, but thanks to a bit of Photoshop magic from his photographer dad Alan, he also has a very special gift — Wil can fly! Alan takes the pictures with the hope that they will inspire Wil.

’These photos of Wil flying have taken on a special meaning for me as I think about the unique challenges Wil is going to face growing up. I hope to teach him that even with his disabilities he can do anything he puts his mind to’, says Alan. He takes them by holding up Wil and then editing himself out.

We’re sure that with such a wonderful man like Alan as his father, Wil will be able to cope with any challenge that comes his way.

Based on material from: boredpanda
Photo credit: thatdadblog

Sursa: http://brightside.me/article/this-wonderful-father-made-some-photos-for-his-disabled-son-and-theyre-truly-inspirational-33905/